Donate here. Every dollar matters and is appreciated!
Individual Sponsors
Shalini Arisam
Pritesh Mutha
Rebekah Johnson
+ 3 anonymous sponsors
Seema and Sunil Jain
David and Jeanne Johnson
Shreelakshmi Mangalaradhakrishna
2 anonymous sponsors
Individual Sponsors
To thank sponsors, we also offer a tier list for different sponsorship amounts, as listed below.
Sponsorship Tiers:
Bronze ($100-$199)
Silver ($200-$399)
Gold ($400-$499)
listed on website for 1 year as a sponsor
Platinum ($500+)
listed on website for 2 years as a sponsor
Name listed for 2 years on MatheMagicians’s t-shirts
Name listed for 2 years on MatheMagicians’s banners
Certificate of Appreciation
Sponsoring Organizations
To thank sponsors, we also offer a tier list for different sponsorship amounts, as listed below.
Silver ($2000-$2,999)
listed on website for 1 year as a sponsor
Gold ($3000-$4,999)
listed on website for 2 years as a sponsor
Name listed on 2 years of MatheMagicians’s t-shirts
Founding ($5000+)
listed on website for 5 years as a sponsor
Name listed for 5 years on MatheMagicians’ t-shirts
Every dollar is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time, contributions, and support!
We also need the following equipment:
IXL.com membership (per-year basis)
Beast Academy membership (per-year basis)
AMC test registration sponsorship for 2024 ($225)
Sponsor a contest! Upcoming contests will be listed on the home page, where new competitions are announced. The minimum to sponsor a contest is $250, which covers the cost of medals, plaques, certificates, and snacks for students. When you sponsor a contest, your name is displayed prominently on our website while the contest runs and is announced during the awards ceremony.